Apply: Acting for the Camera: Form




Step 1: Student Information

The pandemic and recent world events have been unpredictable. Although we hold our workshops on campus, there is always the chance that the University may move us online temporarily, at any time, then transfer us back on campus once it is deemed safe to do so. Please keep this in mind if you are accepted into the program, before paying your tuition, as we are unable to provide refunds or deferrals if workshops must move online.
Students in our programs come from a wide variety of backgrounds and may hold conflicting worldviews. It is possible, at some point during the program, you will fundamentally disagree with or be triggered by the subject matter of someone else’s work, and no amount of earnest discussion about the topic will ease this disagreement. If, in a case like this, you feel the need to remove yourself from the discussion of a particular person’s work, we understand, and your grade will not suffer for it. Just let your instructor and the Professional Programs office know. Conversely, if the entire class feels the need to remove themselves from discussion of your own work, you may want to reconsider the viability of your project and bring in another project instead, but you will not be forced to do so.

VERY IMPORTANT - BEFORE YOU UPLOAD ANY FORMS OR TRANSCRIPTS, make sure that you have blacked out your social security number, home address, student ID#, or any other private information that could be compromised during transit from your server to ours. Applicants who do not follow these instructions will not be considered.


Maximum upload size: 20MB
Maximum upload size: 20MB

(Vimeo, You Tube or website)
(Optional/if required)
STUDENT CONDUCT POLICY 1. Professional Program workshops are structured such that each student’s work is openly discussed between the instructor and classmates in a live classroom setting. Students should expect constructive criticism of their work in class. While a student may not agree with all of the notes that they are given, the student is expected to be open to hearing criticism and to be appropriately receptive to what their instructor has to say. 2. Students are not only expected to attend classes regularly and to show up on time, they are also expected to actively participate in their workshop. This means not only listening to comments about their own work, but providing constructive criticism of their classmates’ work when they are invited to by the instructor. 3. Students who miss more than two workshop nights will not be eligible to take future standalone classes. 4. While criticism from an instructor should never be demeaning, it should always be straightforward. This program is about helping the student to improve as an actor, and sometimes that means imparting a bit of tough love. While receiving encouraging feedback and positive reinforcement is very important, the student should not expect that they will only be told that their work is fantastic. No matter how good a scene or audition may be, it can be improved, and the goal of our instructors is to help make that happen. 5. Cell phone use and uninvited guests are not permitted in class. Auditing is not allowed. Laptop and iPad use should be limited to taking notes. There will be no texting, emailing or internet research done during class. 6. We believe in creating and maintaining a supportive learning environment for our students. To that end, all students are expected to treat their instructor and classmates with the utmost respect and to contribute to a safe and comfortable classroom experience. Disruptive, demeaning, or antagonistic behavior will not be tolerated.
GROUNDS FOR DISMISSAL OR NON-CONTINUANCE The UCLA Professional Programs administration reserves the right to a) dismiss any student at any time, without refund, or b) refuse further or continued enrollment in UCLA Professional Programs courses, if and when the student does not conform to federal, state, and local laws, and/or does not respect the personal rights of others and the educational purposes and standards of the Programs, and when the administration deems such action to be in the best interests of the student, student body, instructor, or Program. Behavior or situations that violate the UCLA Professional Programs’ standards include, but are not limited to: Disorderly conduct, erratic behavior, or any interference with normal Program activities. Violation of accepted standards of decency. Failure to respect the instructor’s authority over the class. Making unreasonable demands of classmates and instructors. Harassment of any kind. Dishonesty, plagiarism, copyright infringement. Assault, threats of injury or harm, theft, property damage. Possession of firearms or dangerous weapons. Possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs. Dismissed students will not be eligible to attend future Professional Programs standalone workshops or yearlong programs. UCLA Professional Programs students are expected to maintain personal integrity and to respect the integrity of the Programs. The UCLA Professional Programs administration reserves the right to refuse further enrollment in UCLA Professional Programs courses if the student demonstrates unwillingness or refusal to complete homework assignments, unwillingness or refusal to actively participate in courses, and/or unwillingness or refusal to contribute to a professional and productive classroom environment.
PHOTO AND VIDEO POLICY The UCLA Professional Programs periodically takes photos or videos during our classes and events. By signing below, students give UCLA Professional Programs permission to use their images, and understand that we do not offer compensation for using their images on our website, ads, and social media.
UCLA PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS GRADING POLICY There are 2 possible grades in a Professional Programs Acting class: Pass and No Pass. A Pass is given to students who attend class regularly and are prepared for all assignments. A No Pass is normally given to students who do not attend class regularly and are not prepared for their assignments. Students who miss more than two workshops in one quarter will receive a No Pass for that workshop for that quarter and will not be eligible to attend future standalone workshops or yearlong programs. Grades are determined by the instructors of each class.

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102 E. Melnitz Hall, Box 951622
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1622